Private health care, retirement homes, old people’s homes, nursing homes for sale, investment in South of Spain.

Private health care, retirement homes, old people’s homes, nursing homes for sale, investment in South of Spain.

I can offer several old people’s home for sale in South of Spain at prices far below cost price.

These homes need investment right now, they have recently been finished 100% fitted and now the owners have lost them to the banks.

There are more options bedrooms from 50 and up to 200.

I’m looking for private health care companies, banks, hedge funds managers, Investment funds, Governments, health care ministers, wealthy private investors, companies etc to contact me for full information and a inspection trip.

These properties must sell, so any offer is welcome.

Invest in the elderly, Text from the European (EU) health Care web page

“By 2050, the number of people in the EU aged 65 and above is expected to grow by 70% and the number of people aged over 80 by 170%. This raises important challenges for the 21st century: meet the higher demand for healthcare; adapt health systems to the needs of an ageing population while keeping them sustainable in societies with smaller workforce.”

Should you Wish to invest in land to Build Your custom made American style secure high Quality Care home in Spain i Can also help to find you land at great prices in sunny Spain.

International key words / translation to Reach decision makers in

Danish: pleje hjem / alderdoms hjem til salg til i Sydspanien.

Norwegian : sykehjem / alderdom boliger til salg i det sørlige Spania.

Swedish: vårdhem / gamla hem til försäljning i södra Spanien.

Finnish : hoitokodeissa / vanhuuden koteja myytävänä Etelä-Espanjassa.

German : Pflegeheime / Altersheime zum Verkauf im Südspanien.

Dutch : verpleeghuizen / ouderdom huizen te koop in Zuid-Spanje.

Russian : ???? ??????????? / ????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ? ????? ???????.

Best Regards-M.f.g-Saludos-M.v.h.

Stefan Katafai
[email protected]
+34 637 97 37 42

skype :

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a man who stops a clock to save time.” – Henry Ford

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